Contact us to be notified of sales, availability of refurbished units, and price reductions.
One of the first and still the best – Microstim 100i Le again shows that simple design and ease of use wins the race. No matter what other machines claim to add with fancy controls and attachments – the MicroStim 100i Le still performs equally or better in side-by-side tests.
Complex wave form with Alternating Current foundation, and high-frequency carrier frequency to allow deep penetration of the treating current into the areas treated. The BEST current control of any unit on the market, with the current adjusted over 1000 times per second to allow the best in clinical outcomes.
This simple machine works wonders for a number of conditions. From sports injuries to pain management, microcurrent stimulation is a safe and long proven therapy. It helps to control pain and speed healing and tissue regenerationin a safe and simple way.
Check out the articles on the site for ways this technology is used.
PLEASE NOTE: This is a prescription medical device. If you have not sent us your prescription from your licensed practitioner, we cannot ship your item. Please contact us if you need assistance obtaining a prescription. Once we have this we can ship.
If you are interested in ordering multiple units, you may be eligible for wholesale pricing. Please contact us through the Contact page.
Additionally, for any off label use of the 100i Le, such as for the eyes, you will need to speak with your practitioner to get guidance as to the best use of the machine.
Discounts are available to professionals who order multiple units. Please contact us if interested.
Please contact us at support at microstim dot com and ask that we add you to our podcast. We periodically announce some discounts for domestic (U.S.) residents, but the only way you will hear of them is if you contact us.
The cost includes the MicroStim 100i-Le unit, a case, the velcro treatment strap, battery, spare wire and case.
Domestic shipping: $20 flat rate, includes insurance.
Foreign shipping: Usually about $ or more for shipping and insurance. Because of the variable shipping cost, please contact us for purchase. We will arrange for payment through PayPal, Venmo or wire transfer. For some countries in the European Union, it will be cheaper for you to purchase from one of our EU partners.
Discounts may be available for domestic customers in the United States. Please contact us at 650-780-9900 or by email through our contact page.