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  • Velcro Strap with 2 Carbon Rubber Electrode Pads

Velcro Strap with 2 Carbon Rubber Electrode Pads


Accessory for the Microstim device.

Attachment for the Microstim 100i Le. 30 inch velcro strap with two 1 3/4 inch carbonized rubber square electro pads. Fully adjustable. Pads attach easily onto the Velcro strap for multiple uses. For holding two pads in place on a limb or on the head for treatment. Your practitioner will instruct you in the use of this device and attachment.


Note: As the pads are used, the electrical resistance of thees pads increases – so we recommend that they be replaced every 6 to 12 months depending on usage.

Color and style may vary depending on current availability. Strap and electrode pads will still function for intended purpose.